Jyotish Digest Jan 2009



Birth Circumstances
Freedom T. Cole
How to Read Charts
Visti Larsen
Nadi Principles: Labhapada
Sanjay Rath
Swee Chan
Devarsi Narada
Nimisha Khatri
Events & Conferences, Great Lives, Spirituality

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Jyotish News
Breach in Earth’s magnetic Field, Taj Mahal Palace Hotel & Tower, War on Mumbai, Crawford Perspectives, Conciliation of Theology, Astrology and Ayurveda, UFOs, Nibiru, 2012…and the Mandaeans, Ancient Greek Astrology, Recession- how long and severe?, New Year brings cheers, Ancient sky watchers passed information in story, song, Earth gains leap second, Year of Astronomy, Pope praises Galileo, Vedic Astrology: Cure to sexual problems, Francis Dunnery, Celtic Astrology: The month of the Birch Tree