JD Global One Year

$36.00 on January 15th each year

  • Gives one, two or three year subscription to The Jyotish Digest
  • Published Quarterly, which means four copies every year, one every Quarter – Jan, Apr, Jul and Oct unless sometimes two are clubbed into one mega-issue
  • Delivered to your door anywhere in the World
  • Guaranteed Price $9 or less (depending on subscription) per issue vs. $10+ Market
  • Only Web Subscriptions give elite Centaur Club Membership (Coming Soon!)

First payment: January 15, 2025

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The Jyotish Digest is a premium quarterly journal produced by Sagittarius Publications and edited by Pandit Sanjay Rath, from New Delhi. The Annual Issue is released on Makara Sankranti (Pongal) on January 15 and the subsequent issues are released on the 15th of April, July and October. The Jyotish Digest contains various research articles and has been spearheading the rapid growth of Vedic Astrology in the world. Exploration of the classical literature and examination of the various books and dictum of Jyotish is its main objective. It refrains from popular gimmicks like sun signs and such things which have made a mockery of astrology.

International subscriptions help to keep this journal alive.
Thank you for your support. May the spirit of the Great Maharishi’s always protect you.


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